On day 2 and hour 15 or so into a caravanning trip to visit my in-laws in Maine with the whole family in-tow, including my married son and his wife (her first-ever long road trip), this is where we found ourselves. A blown tire on our travel trailer's driver side, combined with a high-traffic, downhill curve in the rain, meant waiting for roadside service, as changing it ourselves in those particular conditions would have been very dangerous. After changing it, we'd have to drive ahead to the nearest exit as a result of some damage that a large blown tire was bound to do to our home on the road. We were hot, tired, wet, and truly anxious to get to our destination. But . . . what could we do? Not much. Well, Canajoharie, where we ended up for a couple of hours before being able to move forward toward Cape Elizabeth, Maine, was an adorable little town with old ice cream shoppes, some thrift shopping for the kids, and a pretty riverfront. I gave them the little bit of cash I had and told them how much time they had to waste.
The four of them took in this random upstate New York town while I got to get a charge on my computer in the local tire shop, then hardware store, that happened to have our size and brand of tire (bonus) and then the right hardware to fix the damage (my husband can fix just about anything).
I thought, 'What a lovely place to have managed to get stranded.' I know you may not believe me, but I really did think and say that. I've gotten used to adversity recently!
Last week, I had an apparently "not-ready-for-prime-time" book release. Of course, even Amazon wasn't ready for PRIME TIME, but I didn't know it would affect one of my client's book releases. Well, it did, and "FREE - Eight Graves, Seven Days, & One Heart Healed By Love," became the first book in my career that did not release on its release date while we waited and refreshed in hopes of the title getting to the hands that need it.
Learn about Kim Krueger and her book in this video trailer!

I know, right! You can understand how heartbroken we were when the book fell victim to a host of technical issues that prevented its release, including Amazon's not-ready-for-primetime crashes. But, we took the opportunity to make a couple of those itsy-bitsy fixes that nobody but the author and her editor (me!) would notice and we're at it, again, ready to set "Free!" free!
Perhaps, it is best told in the words of the author, Kimberly Joy Krueger:

Last week when FREE! was delayed indefinitely... I'm not gonna lie, I had a good cry over it. I was feeling so discouraged and frustrated because nothing has come easy for me in my attempts to help others and live my purpose. FREE!'s delay felt like the final straw. Ew, I sound like such a whiner just telling you about it! But that is how it went down. It wasn't pretty. I even told my husband and friend the morning of my birthday and FREE!'s scheduled release date that I quit. Well, they didn't let me quit and neither did God. And in a couple short days, I had a whole new perspective and I was at peace with the delay. God's timing is always the best timing! I think Author and Speaker, Graham Cooke, says it best: God is never late, but He sure misses a lot of opportunities to be early. Haha! Don't I know it. Anyway, here we are, 8 days later and FREE! has finally been set free! (Or at least its new release date has!) Yay!!! This Friday, July 27, 2018, the new redesigned story of my 8 graves in 7 days will make its debut on Amazon! This book is my most raw and vulnerable writing...ever. I lay out my soul in this book, because, well, my soul needed healing and God took me on a journey to do just that. He told me to write this story down and share it with whoever will read it. It is my hope and prayer that by reading about how God gave me JOY in place of my 8 graves (losses, mistakes, heartaches and heartbreaks), YOU will choose to become FREE! too. In honor of my new release date, I am hosting another Roadmap to FREEdom Event! This time it will be a virtual event, on Facebook,THURSDAY NIGHT AT 7PM CST. CLICK HERE FOR THE FACEBOOK INVITE I want to thank you for waiting, for asking, for beleiving in my story, in me and in FREE! Your support on my release day and every day means so much to me! If you want to stay as updated as possible, please add me as a friend on Facebook by clicking here: https://www.facebook.com/kimberlyjoykrueger. As soon as the buying link goes live, I will share it everywhere! #setfreefree Again, THANK YOU for your support! I'm so grateful God allows me to help others become FREE!
My question for you is this: What do you do when your standards leave you stranded? Do you stay on the side of the road or find your way to FREEdom?
My friend and client's book talks about eight different times life left her stranded and how, each time, she got back up, stronger than before. Truly, she lives the let-go life . . . a life that is FREE!
Are you ready to be FREE? Mark your calendars (again, but this time for real) to get your copy of "Free!" at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1949494004 (until #freedomfriday, this link takes you to the adorable puppies of Amazon)! And don't forget to join her online at her virtual event, "Roadmap to Freedom!"
Yours in writing,
8-Time #1 Bestselling Author of Over 40 Publications
Celebrity Co-Author and Writing & Publishing Industry Consultant
Click to: Take The Book-in-a-Month Program
C: 301-643-6827 | E: reji.laberje@gmail.com | W: www.bucketlisttobookshelf.com
"Better words for a better world!"